Can sound be put in these messages?

Mark A. Mandel mamandel at LDC.UPENN.EDU
Mon May 14 15:01:49 UTC 2007

Tom Zurinskas <truespel at HOTMAIL.COM> writes:
I guess what some are saying is that they're using some old dial-up modems
that can't handle the size of sound files.  I simpathize with you.
Meanwhile, in modern times, there are cable modems and DSL telephone modems
that have no problem with bandwidth.  Get onboard.  Meanwhile should
diminished capability hold back others?

I have to say that anyone who would want to thwart sharing sound files in
this forum has some agenda against something or someone that is beyond my

After Mr. Zurinskas's initial postings to this list and during his
subsequent deluge, someone characterized him as a troll. I replied that in
my opinion he was not deliberately trying to make trouble, which is a
defining characteristic of a troll, but rather was obtusely and persistently
promoting a delusional agenda, and was therefore a crank -- but not quite a
nut case, because his position (namely, that people should pronounce words
the way they are spelled and/or vice versa and that linguists should lead
the battle) might seem plausible to the average layman.

With the two paragraphs quoted above he has crossed the line into trolldom,
IMHO. Trip trap.

m a m
[This text prepared with Dragon NaturallySpeaking.]

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