Fwd: -ckx consonant cluster?

James Harbeck jharbeck at SYMPATICO.CA
Wed Nov 28 00:13:59 UTC 2007

Students of religious studies will probably think first of Edward
Schillebeeckx. (I think some departments offer a special prize to
students who can pronounce that name correctly. In fact, to get it
completely right is tricky because the [x] in the initial [sx]
cluster is a very light fricative, somewhat lighter than the German
[x] as in "ach".)

Perhaps the next question this same person will have will be about
the -sz ending on some other Dutch names, e.g., Nathanielsz,
Hermansz, etc.

James Harbeckxsz.

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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