
Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Thu Sep 13 19:37:49 UTC 2007

At 1:41 PM -0500 9/13/07, Matthew Gordon wrote:
>Thank you Michael and Arnold for the quick replies.
>I'm glad it's /friz/ as that will be easier for me to remember since
>Linguistics was housed in the /friz/ building at Michigan when I was there
>even though it was spelled Frieze.

and you can practice on the dialogue:
"I'll have the Pike"
"Would you like Fries with that?"

>Note to other Michigan lingusitics alumni: A quick search turned up news
>that the Frieze building was demolished last spring!

Really?  I spent several of the best months of my life in the
basement there (Sept. '69 - Apr. '70)


>On 9/13/07 12:22 PM, "Montgomery Michael" <ullans at YAHOO.COM> wrote:
>>  It's /friz/.  His son was also a linguist (Peter) and
>>  for many taught at Central Michigan University.
>>  Michael
>>  --- Matthew Gordon <gordonmj at MISSOURI.EDU> wrote:
>>>  ---------------------- Information from the mail
>>>  header -----------------------
>>>  Sender:       American Dialect Society
>>>  Poster:       Matthew Gordon <gordonmj at MISSOURI.EDU>
>>>  Subject:      Fries
>>>  Can someone tell me how Charles Fries pronounced his
>>>  last name? Is it /i/ or
>>>  /ay/?
>>>  - Matt Gordon
>>  ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>  The American Dialect Society -
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