Yo, Have You All Heard 'We All'?

Doug Harris cats22 at FRONTIERNET.NET
Wed Aug 13 20:13:27 UTC 2008

'Sorry, Ron. I don't see any similarity (aside from the
same two words being used) in the Beatles' example and
mine. Unless maybe the yellow submarine was rent-subsidized.
An aside: Back when that song was only-recently off the
pop charts, I had occasion to be flying to London from NY
and a kid in the row in front of me sang that one line
roughly 13,983,451 times while I and others were a captive
audience. That he managed to survive to walk off the plane
is something of a miracle.

Poster:       RonButters at AOL.COM
Subject:      Yo, Have You All Heard 'We All'?

As the Beatles put it years aga, "We all live in a yellow submarine." The
only thing odd about the sentence in question is that it doesn't say "us

In a message dated 8/13/08 2:15:02 PM, cats22 at FRONTIERNET.NET writes:

> Harlem's Congressman Charlie Rangel was near his
> rent-subsidized home yesterday to brag how he
> helped preserve nearly 400 other subsidized
> apartments in his neighborhood. Some onlookers,
> egged on by the NYT, were more interested in
> criticizing him for hogging three way-below-
> market-value apartments when, without a doubt,
> he could afford to pay full-whack rents.
> One paragraph of today's NYT story put it thusly:
> One 58-year-old woman, who has lived at Canaan IV for 12 years, called the
> situation "an injustice." Another, who is 50 and has been in the building
> since 1994, said that the congressman "wants we all to think that he's
> for the people, but deep down inside, he doesn't care."
> ---
> "We all"? Is that the way Vern Ackular usually puts it? Or is that simply
> one of Les Common's peculiarities?
> dh

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