"Taiwaner" - Taiwanese - Any Thoughts

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Fri Aug 22 12:29:06 UTC 2008

At 1:11 PM +0800 8/22/08, Russ McClay wrote:
>Hi all --
>This is a bit off-topic, but I thought I'd bring it up
>here for possible discussion/feedback.
>I live in Taiwan and am helping a friend with a poor
>translation of a document that is in Chinese.
>In the document, there is the term "Taiwaner" to
>described someone from Taiwan.  This term is used
>in government communications here; but it sounds
>very awkward to me (native American English speaker).
>I believe why this term is used instead of Taiwanese
>is because of it's association with the English
>word "Chinese".
>Can anyone suggest a better term, just for fun?
Oregon:Oregonian (with tensing and stress shift) :: Taiwan:Taiwanian
[tai'weiniy at n], rhyming with "Bahamian".  Well, you did say just for


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