hexakosi...oh, forget it

James Harbeck jharbeck at SYMPATICO.CA
Sat Jan 12 04:08:35 UTC 2008

>In 2003, U.S Route 666, from Gallup NM to Monticello
>UT, was recommissioned as U.S. Route 491.  It had been
>nicknamed the Devils Highway, and association with the
>Number of the Beast was cited as the main reason
>locals pushed for the change (although I think the
>feds found a justification for the change that was not
>associated with religion).

Its use in the movie _Natural Born Killers_ would also have had some
effect, I imagine. But I expect their tourism has gone down a little
bit... Though for all I know, perhaps they don't miss the kind of
tourists they're no longer getting.

Then there's 668... Neighbor of the Beast.

James Harbeck.

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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