grow-op Canadian usage?

James Harbeck jharbeck at SYMPATICO.CA
Wed May 14 03:04:15 UTC 2008

Huh. Is it a Canadianism? Go figger. Sure is a well-known term up in
the Great White North, eh! And I expect that a very high percentage
of sentences you'll find containing "Marijuana grow-op" also contain
the word "raid" or the word "bust" -- funny enough, really, given how
relaxed we are in the GWN about the stuff. OK, it's illegal, but
people hardly act like it is anymore... It's like jaywalking: just
try not to do it in front of a cop. And yet they still bust the
grow-ops. Except for whichever one they have growing it for the
government for medical uses (but word up is that the federal stuff is

James Harbeck.

The American Dialect Society -

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