glottal "y"
Tom Zurinskas
truespel at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed Sep 17 22:53:15 UTC 2008
"Uh oh" and "ut oh" do work like there is a glottal stops between the words. Certainly "ut oh" is more pronounced.
For "uh oh" there is vowel following a vowel, which begs a bit of a glottal stop. Of interest are words were vowel follows vowel within the word. Like "chaos" "idea" "create". They often are spoken with y-glides. ~kaeyaas (where ~ae is long a and ~aa is "ah"). In truespel I use an apostrophe between two vowels and glottal stops. So "chao" could be spoken ~kae'aas or ~kaeyaas and "idea" as ~ieddeeyu or ~ieddeeyu (where ~ie is long i and ~u is short u).
Tom Zurinskas, USA - CT20, TN3, NJ33, FL5+
See - and the 4 truespel books plus "Occasional Poems" at
> Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2008 13:18:12 -0400
> From: RonButters at AOL.COM
> Subject: glottal "y"
> ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
> Sender: American Dialect Society
> Poster: RonButters at AOL.COM
> Subject: glottal "y"
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The English word "oh" normally begins with a glottal stop. Indeed, this is a=
> =20
> redundant feature for words beginning with vowels in English. We just don't=20
> hear it (as we don't hear the aspiration after initial voiceless stops) beca=
> use=20
> it is totally redundant.=20
> So it would be difficult to say "uh oh" WITHOUT an intervening glottal stop.=
> =20
> If a word ends in an offglide, that offglide can replace the glottal stop,=20
> as in "beyond" [biyand]. Or the /y/ may be lost and the glottal stop remains=
> ,=20
> as in [bi?and]. The variant with the [?] is very common. But "uh" does not e=
> nd=20
> in an offglide.=20
> There are different strategies for different dialects of English when two=20
> vowels come together. "Law and order" can be /la?Inordr/, /lawInordr/, or=20
> /larInordr/. Using an /h/ as a linking feature does not work for Americans (=
> not that=20
> there is one in "uh" anyway).
> In a message dated 9/12/08 11:29:10 PM, ymeroz at EARTHLINK.NET writes:
>> The y is not just elided, but replaced with a glottal stop, as in "uh-oh".
>> On 9/12/08 8:04 PM, "Tom Zurinskas" wrote:
>>> I've never noticed anyone saying a glottal "y" such that "beyond" is=20
>> "be'ond".
>>> Perhaps a dropped ( elided) "y".=A0 Would you say an elided "y" is the s=
> ame=20
>> as a
>>> glottal "y"?
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> The American Dialect Society -
> **************
> Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog,=20
> plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at
> =20
> (
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