Written by a (spiritual) descendant of Dickens?

Marc Velasco marcjvelasco at GMAIL.COM
Fri Sep 19 21:19:29 UTC 2008

> >"It appears that desktop-based applications are more secure from face
> >value,
> Incomprehensible.  Or did he mean "more secure from Facebook"?

"from face value" --> at face value, at first glance, at first blush, etc.

what the writer is trying to get at is that, a total picture of 'data
security' doesn't just mean 'safe from hackers' (ie, deliberate theft), but
data being safe from all types of calamities (deliberate + accidental
(including natural disasters, acts of God, War, ...)).

> >but our model discounts data loss from hard
> >drive failures, bad backups, and all of the other means that isolated
> >pieces of hardware can refuse to work. When you add in the added
> >convenience of accessible-from-anywhere, continuously backed-up, low
> >administration services,

the rest of these are jargon/near-jargon terms which wouldn't trip up the
target audience too much.

> I prefer high administration services -- with lower cost.

> Joel
> >it is quite easy to see
> >how many people prefer using webmail and equivalent systems."
> >
> >Written 9/18/08 by a native speaker of AmE for a ZDNet article.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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