the toll of inflation
Geoff Nathan
geoffnathan at WAYNE.EDU
Sat Feb 7 12:42:11 UTC 2009
Larry wrote:
Yes, and yes. Whence the variant "That and 15 cents will buy you a
(subway) token". Was there a time, if I'm not totally off-base, when
the bus fare was maybe 12 cents while the subway tokens were 15?
Interestingly enough nobody has mentioned a class of variants that I myself use (but can't investigate at the moment) which are even more dismissive (or resigned), namely the addition of negation:
That and two bucks won't (even) buy you a cup of coffee.
Geoffrey S. Nathan
Faculty Liaison, C&IT
and Associate Professor, Linguistics Program
+1 (313) 577-1259 (C&IT)
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