last laugh on awe-dropping

Tom Zurinskas truespel at HOTMAIL.COM
Tue Feb 10 03:43:14 UTC 2009

Do I really have to continually defend myself from Mandel's attacks.  These last posts are completely ad hominem against me with no NO issue at all debated, yet he says I give misinformation without a scrap of evidence.  This itself is misinformation.

No one wants to read this crap.

Tom Zurinskas, USA - CT20, TN3, NJ33, FL5+

> Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2009 13:40:13 -0500
> From: thnidu at GMAIL.COM
> Subject: Re: last laugh on awe-dropping
> ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
> Sender: American Dialect Society
> Poster: Mark Mandel
> Subject: Re: last laugh on awe-dropping
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Granted; I had forgotten about the value of a bad example and debate.
> I won't be in it, though, for the sake of my time and my blood
> pressure. And I maintain the value of my advice for any other listies
> who don't want to participate in or watch such debate, whether they
> are knowledgeable (see my reasons) or not (because they'll be imbibing
> TZ's misinformation).
> Mark Mandel
> On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:14 PM, Matthew Gordon wrote:
>> I agree with Mark's assessment but not with his advice. While TZ may not
>> wish to learn anything about linguistics, there are other non-linguist
>> readers of this list who may, and challenging TZ's misuse of linguistic
>> terminology and his ignorance of American dialectology may help those
>> readers.
>> On 2/9/09 11:58 AM, "Mark Mandel" wrote:
>>> Getting back to the topic... Ron re-sent to me "using aol and the dsl
>>> in the hotel" the Sunday message that I and several others received in
>>> base64; I quote the relevant parts below for context.
>>> No, Ron, this guy has learned nothing whatsoever about standard
>>> phonological terminology or any other part of language science, and he
>>> never will. Not because he's stupid or malicious -- I don't think he
>>> is -- but because he is willfully ignorant, and proud of it. I might
>>> instead call him stubbornly naive. He posts here, but he ignores
>>> anything anyone else says that doesn't fit his own conceptions. He has
>>> been running his "Truespel" for many years and prides himself on never
>>> having polluted his pure native-speaker awareness with any theory or
>>> book-larnin'. (There, I've made my contempt for his attitude
>>> explicit.) By now, I'm sure, he is too deeply psychologically invested
>>> in it to admit that he could ever, possibly, be in any way wrong.
>>> I will only repeat the advice I have offered here many times since
>>> shortly after his first appearances here: save yourself the trouble.
>>> Killfile his posts, and do your best to ignore his rubbish when other
>>> listmembers make the mistake of replying to him.
>>> Mark Mandel
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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