snowclone: [X] porn

Arnold Zwicky zwicky at STANFORD.EDU
Sat Mar 28 23:33:10 UTC 2009

On Mar 28, 2009, at 4:03 PM, James Harbeck wrote:

> I first encountered "torture porn" in reference to _The Passion of
> the Christ_ a few years ago, and it had a certain catch to it -- I've
> encountered it occasionally since, and a Google search pulls up quite
> a few other instances....

there's a pile of "X porn" exx, and it's in the OED.  i haven't been
collecting them, but it's another type of what i've called
"snowclonelet composites":.  so far i have files on X fag, X queen, X
rage, X virgin, X whore.  (ack, i don't seem to have posted on this
yet, though i have correspondence on it.  what can i say?  i am many
thousands of postings behind.)

in any case, one to add.


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