antedating (?) "zits" 1965?

Stephen Goranson goranson at DUKE.EDU
Tue Sep 29 13:06:27 UTC 2009

OED has 1966
Google claims 1965 (not confirmed)

Harvard advocate
by Harvard University - Education - 1965  [v. 100, no. 1 - 1965 ?]
Page 11
"I will never," he proclaimed loudly, "ever get zits." He did not wipe
the brown
from his lips and it was still there late that night when we undressed
for bed.
For bed, for Lou; I was not allowed to sleep. He had brought with him a full-
length mirror and he set it up in one corner of the room before stripping down
to his underpants. While I lay back, sensibilities annihilated, he
turned a desk
lamp on himself and began to flex his muscles; I watched as deltoids
and triceps
and sinews ...
[above or below on p11?:] window blew a yellowed billow, as if from the
top of a
seldom-used book, into adolescent nostrils and eyes which had vainly
sought ...

Stephen Goranson

The American Dialect Society -

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