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Wilson Gray hwgray at GMAIL.COM
Sun Jul 18 03:12:13 UTC 2010

> Imagine "whoa" as "hwoa"

Or "who" as "hwo"

Self continues to be the measure of all things.

Back in 1961, I got into a shouting match with a barracksmate from
Cincinnat[@] who'd more-or-less rhetorically asked,

"You ever notice that, in words that start with wh-, like "[w]at," the
-h- is never pronounced?"

Say *[hw]at*?!!! That was one of the most ignorant remarks that I'd
ever heard! [w]y, I knew people in *Saint Louis* from Cincinnat[@] and
they didn't be saying any "[w]at"! (Even though they did say
"Missour[@]." But that was okay. My Texan grandmother used
"Missour[@]," too.) They pronounced it the *right* way: "[hw]at"! Just
as *I* did!

As Stewie (cf. The Family Man) says, "Will [hw]eaton."


All say, "How hard it is that we have to die!"––a strange complaint to
come from the mouths of people who have had to live.
–Mark Twain

The American Dialect Society -

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