another euphemism

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Thu Jun 17 02:50:04 UTC 2010

At 9:03 PM -0500 6/16/10, Jim Parish wrote:
>Wilson Gray wrote:
>>  I heard "go comando" used ca.1992 by a woman on some after-11:00p.m.
>>  cable-TV dating show in conjunction with the phrase, "pitch a tent."
>>  She spoke to the effect that that she preferred men who _went
>>  commando_ because she liked knowing it when she had caused a man to
>>  _pitch a tent_.
>>  I didn't find anything datable WRT the latter phrase - Google only
>>  quotes the undated UD. <snip>
>For what it's worth, I remember my mother using it, probably around
>1970. (The incident
>I'm thinking of can't be earlier than that, and can't be later than
>1975, when I left home.)
And for what it's worth (if anything), I can't see that <snip> in
proximity to that latter phrase without thinking of circumcision...


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