evolving language

Victor Steinbok aardvark66 at GMAIL.COM
Wed Mar 31 17:55:03 UTC 2010

More on political language:

 From the Family Research Council blog, The Cloakroom:
> However if it was argued during his two terms in office that *Bill
> Clinton was “our first black President”* because of his supposed
> liberal policies that would benefit African-Americans (though I’m not
> quite sure what President Clinton did, that he wasn’t forced to do,
> that would benefit any minority except for Chinese monks with
> political donations to spend.) With that argument *shouldn’t Barack
> Obama already be our “first gay President”* due to his liberal
> policies pushing the homosexual agenda?
[emphasis added]

Another one that I missed initially, but just noticed now. From Sarah
Palin's comments over the weekend:
> "[T]hat bumper sticker you see on the next Subaru driving by, an Obama
> bumper sticker. You should stop the driver and say, 'So how is that
> hopey, changey thing working out for you?'"

There is a load of stuff here, which is why I missed the new
point--apparently "Subaru" is now in the same category as "white wine"
and "brie". The video is here http://bit.ly/aMUc3A


On 3/31/2010 1:24 PM, Victor Steinbok wrote:
> From today's headlines:
> http://bit.ly/duYg0b
>> "I think the term 'cap and trade' is not in the lexicon anymore,"
>> Salazar said, adding that supporters -- including senators working on
>> legislation -- will focus more on ideas such as slowing pollution,
>> creating jobs and becoming energy independent. "It's in that context"
>> the Senate will move forward, he said.
> It sounds a lot like the Republican attempts to pull away from
> "privatization" and "nuclear option" only a few years ago. Of course,
> what happened with those two? Exactly nothing--both are not only still
> in the lexicon but are part and parcel of political discourse
> ("nuclear option" was repeatedly mentioned in connection with
> "reconciliation" on HCR).
> I don't expect "cap and trade" to go very far either...
> VS-)

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