Did with/did to (heard on NPR)

Barbara Need bhneed at GMAIL.COM
Thu Oct 21 11:16:29 UTC 2010

Contexts in which the following work for me.

On 20 Oct 2010, at 11:02 AM, Victor Steinbok wrote:

> Compare:
> 1. "What did you do to my car?!"

There is a dent in it! I lent you the car yesterday, and there was no
dent. How did the dent get there!

> 2. "What did you do with my car?!"

Where did you park it? I can't find it!

or, maybe

Did you run over someone with it? I hear there was a hit-and-run
accident and they are looking for a car that looks like mine.

> The "normal" meaning of "did with" =="perform a trick" would not work
> here. I would never say 2., but I can think of a number of people who
> would (and not just in the Midwest).


Barbara Need

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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