Refutation of Chomsky?*

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Fri Sep 24 02:14:35 UTC 2010

It is not language that distinguishes humans from all other animals.

“Philosophers have often looked for the defining
feature of humans — language, rationality,
culture and so on. I’d stick with this: Man is
the only animal that likes Tabasco
sauce.”[1].  (I would add primatologists and linguists.)

"There's not a single animal that likes hot peppers."[2][3]

[1]   Paul Bloom, a Yale psychologist
[2]   Paul Rozin, a University of Pennsylvania psychologist.
[3]   Animals of certain classes.  Birds have no
problem with capsican.  [Gorman,.]

In "A Perk of Our Evolution: Pleasure in Pain of
Chilies," by James Gorman, "Science Times," The
New York Times, Sunday, Sept. 21, 2010, Page D1.

Perhaps we can call this the "Paul Hypothesis."

* If this is not one of Chomsky's theses, but
that of other linguists, I apologize to him and to the members of this list.


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