(across the) "block" ~= street, and the OED?

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Fri Apr 29 22:21:50 UTC 2011

At 4/29/2011 02:43 PM, Jonathan Lighter wrote:
>In practical terms, it is absolutely inconsequential because it has no
>effect on address numbers on Fifth Avenue. There are no addresses "on" W.
>72d St. as it wends its way toward Central Park West, or on any of the other
>handful of "transverses" through the park. The W. 72d St. addresses begin on
>the other side of Central Park.

Would a house on W. 72nd in the Park be a transverse-site?

>Another ex. of people with not enough to do and not enough on their minds.

True, true.

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