"The dog ate my ..."

Arnold Zwicky zwicky at STANFORD.EDU
Wed Aug 24 22:52:36 UTC 2011

On Aug 24, 2011, at 12:39 PM, Victor Steinbok wrote:

> Of no linguistic value, but a true story--we actually had a dog that ate
> an insurance check. We had to call the insurance company and give them
> the "dog ate my check" excuse so that they would send a replacement.
> Even offered to send them the left-over scrap (about 2-in. corner
> piece). They laughed very hard for a long time, but replaced it.
> The dog is still alive, but no longer eats checks--she lost the taste
> for paper (she also used to eat any paper towels she could find) about
> three years ago. At 13, she's on a high-fiber diet, so no longer needs
> cellulose supplements. ;-)

back in columbus, some years ago, we had a lovely dog who just hated anything that came through the mailslot.  she savaged the mail.

including a summons to jury duty.

fortunately, she didn't actually eat it.  so we were able to paste the pieces back together and notify the board of elections, which accepted the paste-up and sent us another, fresh, summons that my wife was able to sign and send in.

the mailman started leaving the mail outside the front door after that.


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