Help: Need syllabuses on syntax, pragmatics, and stylistics

Grant Barrett grantbarrett at GMAIL.COM
Tue Jul 12 18:34:33 UTC 2011

I'm forwarding this on behalf of Wayne Glowka. Please respond to him directly if you can help.

Grant Barrett
grantbarrett at
ADS VP of Tech and Comm

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Wayne Glowka" <awg at>
> Date: July 12, 2011 11:22:21 PDT
> To: Grant Barrett <editor at>
> Subject: Favor
> Grant,
> I am working on a proposal for a master's degree in world languages and cultures with a concentration in Global English. The degree is designed to help ESOL teachers (who are trained primarily in non-English languages) to widen their public school certification to include secondary English. In order to mirror a class in the existing Spanish concentration, I need to compile a syllabus for a graduate class that covers three topics: syntax, pragmatics, and stylistics (of English).
> I would like to read and compare some syllabuses that deal with these three topics, but with more and more syllabuses now hidden in the password-protected learning modules of universities, syllabus shopping has become a little difficult.
> Would you mind asking ADS-L participants if anyone would be willing to share such a syllabus with me? It could be sent to my email at awg at
> Wayne Glowka
> Dean of Arts and Humanities
> Reinhardt University
> 7300 Reinhardt Circle
> Waleska, GA 30183
> 770-720-5628
> FAX  770-720-9219

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