Query: "military brat" prior to 1981? (UNCLASSIFIED)

Jonathan Lighter wuxxmupp2000 at GMAIL.COM
Thu May 5 20:35:06 UTC 2011

See? That's why HDAS has a separate entry for "brat" - so if there are
"*space brats" some day, people will be able to see why.

On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 3:56 PM, victor steinbok <aardvark66 at gmail.com>wrote:

> ---------------------- Information from the mail header
> -----------------------
> Sender:       American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
> Poster:       victor steinbok <aardvark66 at GMAIL.COM>
> Subject:      Re: Query: "military brat" prior to 1981? (UNCLASSIFIED)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Diplomatic brat":
> http://goo.gl/9jTjJ
> Immortal Man In 20 Years? By Kay Bartlett (AP). The News and Courier. Mar
> 19, 1978. p. 11-E/2
> [F. M. Esfandiary]
> > The Iranian-born philosopher, whose mother chose to possess him about
> 40-45 years ago--his description of motherhood--had lived in 10 to 15
> countries by the time he was 15. A global diplomatic brat, as it were,
> Daddy
> being in the corps.
> The same piece appeared in a number of other papers in GNA from March to
> July 1978.
> "Foreign service brat":
> http://goo.gl/mbqfX
> Maps That Aren't for Getting Somewhere. By Jane Margolies. New York Times.
> Mar 29, 1990. p.
> > Mrs. Globus, whose name means globe in German and who collects globes,
> said
> > her own passion for maps came from moving around as ''a Foreign Service
> > brat'' and reading National Geographic.
> "State Department brat":
> The Atlanta Journal and The Atlanta Constitution : `The Red Fox' is...
> > Pay-Per-View - Atlanta Journal-Constitution - NewsBank - Sep 1, 1985
> > ... comfortably in Canada with his adopted daughter May May was once in
> > love with Robert Thorne a freelance journalist and State Department brat
> who
> > happens ...
> Pay-Per-View - Chicago Tribune - ProQuest Archiver - Jun 15, 1986
> When Tom Logan was a 13-year-old State Department brat up in Caio, where
> his
> father was with the Agency for International Development, he visited the
> Cairo ...*
> http://goo.gl/zOZPU
> TERRORIST IN THE FAMILY. By Robert Stone. New York Times. March 15, 1987.
> p.
> ?
> > Now in his mid-20's, Bill Jr. lives in West Germany, the scene of his
> > father's next assignment. He's as at home in Germany as anywhere else, a
> > bilingual State Department brat.
> VS-)
> On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 3:23 PM, Michael McKernan <mckernan51 at gmail.com
> >wrote:
> >
> > Since 1962-1965, when I first became one myself, I've been aware that
> > children of (US) Foreign Service Officers have been self-referent as
> > "foreign service brats."  I believe this usage is still current, and
> common
> > among both fsbs and FSOs.  Seems likely to me that it followed "military
> > brat" rather than vice versa.  (At overseas posts, there were both fsbs
> and
> > mbs, since there was usually a US military "mission" connected with each
> > embassy.  Overall, mbs should greatly outnumber fsbs, since the US
> Foreign
> > Service has always been much smaller than the US military--which has also
> > had overseas and domestic bases much larger than any diplomatic
> outposts.)
> > I don't have a print citation for fsb from the 60s, but suppose that they
> > shouldn't be too hard to find, since as I remember it, the term was
> > well-established then.
> >
> > Michael McKernan
> > Benson, Arizona
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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