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Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Sun Oct 30 02:06:53 UTC 2011

At 10/29/2011 08:56 PM, Laurence Horn wrote:
>A particularly extreme, some would say egregious, example is IKEA,
>as described in a recent (October 5) New Yorker profile or as
>witnessed first-hand by anyone in their nearby IKEA (we have one in
>New Haven) attempting to make their way from one part of the store to another.

Another reason for me not to shop at IKEA.  (The other is what
appears from their ads to be schlock, or perhaps just plain
unattractive, furniture.)

But as for the standard merchandising ploy of moving things around,
Trader Joe's too seems egregious -- I have not noticed nearly the
same frequency at Shaw's, Stop and Shop, or Whole Foods.


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