1947 citing in Archie Comic of "butthole." What did it mean?

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Wed Apr 25 16:30:23 UTC 2012

At 4/24/2012 11:17 PM, Victor Steinbok wrote:

>There is at least one other example with "butt hole" (two words), in
>reference to mining, that has something to do with blowing things up.
>The end of the sentence, however, refers to a "bore hole". I suppose, it
>could be the same thing--the bore hole being the one that is drilled
>into a rock to a set depth, then loaded with dynamite or other explosives.

I suppose a "butt hole" in the mining or logging contexts could
simply be "the hole into which one butts" - the explosive charge,
whatever loggers butt in, whatever.

I won't go to "The Lumberjack Song."  Nor to the 14 separate entries
in the OED for "butt, n."


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