flying saucer and other critters

Victor Steinbok aardvark66 at GMAIL.COM
Mon Jul 16 19:40:04 UTC 2012

On Judge Alex, AABiM complaining about someone's drinking:

"She's a saucer... a _flying_saucer_...", repeating "flying saucer" at
least four more times, then, later, when describing her drinking, "She's
a barbarian! She drinks a bottle a day!"

"Sauce", "Sauced" or "on the sauce" are well documented.

AABiF explaining her getting fired.

"I got _eighty-sixed_ out of the job [at a strip club]".

OED only has the verb referring to kicking *customers* out of a bar or

I'm not sure if either the race or the orientation is in any way related
to their vocabulary, but both "graduated" from the same group home for
LGBT minority youth. "Eighty-six" is food/entertainment service

Different case:

Judge: "So what kind of bugs you had?"
Reply: "Big, black cockroaches" ... [] ... "_Smithsonian_ size."


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