"the finger" in 1932 Hollywood epic (UNCLASSIFIED)

Mullins, Bill AMRDEC Bill.Mullins at US.ARMY.MIL
Mon May 14 18:53:17 UTC 2012

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

> _Galveston [TX] Daily News_ 28 Aug 1949 p 4 col 5 [Newspaperarchive]
> "Tito says Stalin gave him the finger on the Austrian territorial deal
> so the big four will think Stalin is on the up-and-up."
> [also in other papers on 28, 29 Aug]
> Pasadena CA _Independent_ 19 Nov 1957 p 3 col 7 [Newspaperarchive]
> "He was going home, off duty, in his car late the other night, and a
> full of young punks drove up beside him.  They gave him the finger and
> then held up a knife."

See also:

_The Sporting Life_ 28 Nov 1891 vol 18 no 9 p 4 col 4
"Mr. Bones, did you know that Mr. Ewing's arm has given him the finger."

_Washington Post_ 7 Feb 1898 p 8 col 6 [ProQuest Hist Newspapers]
"Denny Lyons' damaged digit, which gave him "the finger," so far as the
big League is concerned, has mended, and Denny is open for an

_Dallas Morning News_ 15 Jan 1938 sec 2 p 2 col 7 [Newsbank]
"You'll always see him duck his head and take out for the bench, too,
when he goes to the plate to lodge a protest and runs into an ump who
can give him the finger while reeling off the rule covering the play
word for word and tell him the page on which he will find it in the

_Augusta [GA] Chronicle_ 5 Sep 1943 p a-4 col 7 [Newsbank]
"I suspect it will be Uncle Sam who will come out loser on the spending
in the long run.  A lot of the spenders will give him the finger for
their taxes and eventually he will have to support them."

Portland OR _Oregonian_ 29 May 1947 p 28 col 2 [Newsbank]
"One ump gave him the finger over what Bartell calls "just a little
argument, no names called at all" while the Sacs were at Vaugh street

_Augusta [GA] Chronicle_ 5 Sep 1947 p a-4 col 5 [Newsbank]
"Ex-Gov. of Nebraska Griswold (head of Truman's Doctrine Commission in
Greece) will resign.  Because, he says, Greek monarchists (and our State
Dep't) are giving him "the finger." "

_Hartford Courant_ 13 May 1953 p 23 col 6 [ProQuest Hist Newspapers]
"Policeman Pacheco quoted Gililand as saying he was "not afraid of
anyone." and charged that Twebble and his companions had given him the
"finger." "
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

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