How to say "Boston"

Tom Zurinskas truespel at HOTMAIL.COM
Sat Apr 20 19:23:20 UTC 2013

>From the news of the bombings I'm hearing the pronunciation of Boston with "ah" (~aa) over "awe" (~au) in reporters' broadcasts.   To me it was always ~Baustin rather than ~Baastin.  I'm surprised but such is the trend, nowadays.

>From the speakers at I hear ~Baustin.  The same at, but there even the word "awe" is mispronounced "awe" by the speaker.

It's amazing how "awe-dropping" is catching on.  My cousin's wife has even changed the pronunciation of her son, "Shawn" to ~Shaan.  The only reason I can find is that "ah" is easier to say than "awe'.  I think females are more susceptible because their voices are higher, and "awe" is a low vowel sound.

Tom Zurinskas, Conn 20 yrs, Tenn 3, NJ 33, now Fl 9.
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