Negrophobia: pswaydo [and not so] -interdating(s)

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Sun Jan 6 16:09:35 UTC 2013

I don't find the title "Studies in Negrophobia" either.  But then I
didn't find Arthur Dimmesdale's Election Sermon of 1649 at the Salem
Athenaeum library either.

However, Harvard has 5 books with "Negrophobia" in their titles and
another 2 with it in chapter titles.  (The earliest is 1869 --
"Negrophobia "on the brain," in white men : or, An essay upon the
origin and progress, both mental and physical, of the Negro race, and
the use to be made of him by the politicians in the United States,"
by Dr. J. R. Hayes; 35 pp.)

And the OED's latest (Sept. 2003) earliest instance is 1819:
1819   Niles' Reg. 16 Suppl. 173/2   The gentleman from Kentucky..has
charged us..with being under the influence of negrophobia.

Another and perhaps useful interdating because it provides a
definition of sorts from the Deep South:

"Negrophobia is the new name given to those who are unfortunately
possessed with the disease of abolition."

The Daily Picayune [Times-Picayune; New Orleans], 1839 March 10, 2/2. [EAN]

  Interdates OED Sept. 2003, "Negrophobia", 1819 -- 1859.


At 1/5/2013 10:40 PM, Wilson Gray wrote:

>1941   W. J. Cash Mind of South iii. ii. 248   The whole tradition of
>extravagance, of sectionalism and _Negrophobia_ in Southern politics
>had come to its ordained flower.
>1983   D. Ravitch Troubled Crusade iv. 131   In the states of the Deep
>South..fears of black domination were more intense, and.._Negrophobia_
>1944  A nameless character in the movie, "The Whistler," is reading
>the apparently-fictional tome, "Studies in _Negrophobia_."
>Had I not been caught so off guard, I could have supplied the "author"
>and the "publisher," since the spine with the title, the cover with
>the title, the title-page with title, author, and publisher, and the
>pages being read are all prominently, but briefly, displayed, for
>about a second each. It definitely looked like a real book,. But
>cursory googling found no hits.
>All say, "How hard it is that we have to die!"---a strange complaint
>to come from the mouths of people who have had to live.
>-Mark Twain
>The American Dialect Society -

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