suck it up (figurative); high five (UNCLASSIFIED)

Mullins, Bill CIV (US) william.d.mullins18.civ at MAIL.MIL
Fri May 3 16:13:26 UTC 2013

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

Looking for one thing, found another.

"suck it up" (figurative), not in OED

_Augusta [GA] Chronicle_ pA6 col 1
"The sucked it up as the saying goes and with a lot of help from
unexpected areas, particularly from the freshman group, now have a shot
at the NAIA district championship."

_San Diego Union_ 12/13/1965 p B10 col 4
" "Except for the last quarter (when the Chargers scored 20 points) we
did not play well," the all but exhausted San Diego quarterback said.
"But we had enough guts to suck it up." "

_Los Angeles Times_ 7/28/1969 p B3 col 5
"And if you cheat yourself, you're going to cheat in the game of life
and cheat on your ballplayers so that when it comes down to those last
two minutes in a game, when you have to suck it up and give it
everything you've got in order to win the ball game, you're going to
cheat there too." [Sam Huff, speaking of lessons from Vince Lombardi]

_Hartford Courant, 11/3/1974 pC1 col 2
"We just sucked it up and did what we knew we had to do."

"high five" was discussed on the list in 2004.  OED has 19 Aug 1980.

_Dallas [TX] Morning News_ 7/10/1980 p 2B col 2
"Ken Griffey gets a "high five" from Expos' Gary Carter after Tuesday's

_Boston Globe_ 3/25/80 p 38 col 3
"Rodney, who clogged the middle and forced Kiki Vandeweghe to suffer the
effects, clapped his brother the 'high five,' this year's handslapping

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

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