come back vs. get back

Benjamin Barrett gogaku at IX.NETCOM.COM
Fri Nov 1 23:47:49 UTC 2013

In the context of just returning to the locale such as after traveling abroad, "I just came back" does not seem bad, though I still prefer the "get" version.

It's when you go out on errands or something and then arrive at home or work that "I just came back" seems odd. BB

On Nov 1, 2013, at 4:38 PM, Benjamin Barrett <gogaku at IX.NETCOM.COM> wrote:

> I have a real problem with, "I just came back."
> I suppose "I've just come back" is fine, but it uses the perfect, which sounds unnecessary. Instead, it seems, "I just got back" is far preferable.
> In the present tense (I come/get back everyday at 3 o'clock), "get" seems better though I don't have a problem with the "come" version.
> For "When I come/get back," I don't notice much of a difference, though "get" seems preferable.
> It seems possible that the awkwardness of the perfect tense and the irregular conjugation of "come" is causing the problem, but "get" also has an irregular conjugation. Is there a real difference in the meanings of "come back" and "get back"? Is something else going on? (Is it all in my head?)
> Benjamin Barrett
> Seattle, WA
> Learn Ainu!

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