Thirteen and the odd

Spanbock/Svoboda-Spanbock spanbocks at VERIZON.NET
Fri Nov 29 20:37:18 UTC 2013

The crackerjack uniform also has a single button above the 13 for the flap.

Kate Svoboda-Spanbock

Sent from my iPad

On Nov 29, 2013, at 12:21 PM, W Brewer <brewerwa at GMAIL.COM> wrote:

> ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
> Sender:       American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
> Poster:       W Brewer <brewerwa at GMAIL.COM>
> Subject:      Re: Thirteen and the odd
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> <<thirteen-and-the-odd>> WB's random thoughts.
> WB:  (1) There are 13 cards in each **SUIT** (spade, heart, club, diamond),
> plus the (odd) Joker. Hence the connection with clothing & esp. the
> cracker-jack uniform.
> (2) Ultimately, all references to 13 go back to the Last Supper & the
> superstitions surrounding the number 13 at dinner (one of the diners must
> die). "The odd" could refer to Doubting Thomas, who later replaced Judas
> Iscariot. (My brain also has <odd Thomas> as meaning a strange man or boy.
> I was unaware of the recent 2013 movie "Odd Thomas" until a search a few
> minutes ago.)
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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