[Ads-l] Antedating of "un-PC" (1989)

Hugo hugovk at GMAIL.COM
Sat Dec 13 19:22:14 UTC 2014

"Un-PC", another new entry to the OED, which has it from 1990.

Here's a 26th April 1989. It was used in the source code for a computer
game called Galactic Bloodshed by Robert Chansky, which was distributed via
Usenet in comp.sources.games.

Here it is in the comments at the top of a file called land.c:

X** Galactic Bloodshed (Robert Chansky, smq at b)
X**  land.c -- land a ship
X**  also.... dock -- dock a ship w/ another ship (not implemented)
X**  and..... assault -- a very un-PC version of land

Newsgroups: comp.sources.games
Subject: v06i054:  GB - Galactic Bloodshed, an empire-like war game,
Message-ID: <3891 at tekred.CNA.TEK.COM>
Date: 26 Apr 89 21:52:14 GMT
Submitted-by: Robert Chansky <smq at ssyx.ucsc.edu>
Posting-number: Volume 6, Issue 54
Archive-name: GB/Part03

Note: Right now, Google Groups' search is more broken than usual
("BEFORE:1990/01/01" is completely ignored; there's no "sort by date"; it
throws "An error occurred while communicating with the server" errors), and
this was found in a downloaded archive that makes up much of the first ten
years of Google's archive (although I can't find it in Google's archive
even when specifically looking for it). Here's how to find the specific
file in the archive I searched:

Usenet Archive of UTZOO Tapes (December 11, 2001)
Zip: news099f1.tgz
File in zip: ./news099f1/b122/comp/sources/games/565

And also online here:
And here:


The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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