Early Cockney vees for double-yous
Jonathan Lighter
wuxxmupp2000 at GMAIL.COM
Wed Jan 1 22:02:02 UTC 2014
Dickens, of course, made this trait familiar in _The Pickwick Papers_.
Is this the earliest occurrence? Note that in this burlesque, the sounds
consistently replace each other:
ca1785-90 Robert Pickersgill, ed _Mirth's magazine: or, Momus's Fund. A
collection of humourous songs, &c. from the most celebrated authors_
(London: ptd. for the compiler, n.d.) 10-11 [ECCO]:
Fleet Market ...clee-wers...Italian airs and quawers... vile I sing the
fair vith vhom you'd vish to dally....vithal ...She vears plain
stuffs...She's...deserwing...Vot vould you give for such a vife.
As a point of interest, p. 10 also has "olesome" for "wholesome."
The song does not appear (to me, anyway) to burlesque some foreign accent.
"If the truth is half as bad as I think it is, you can't handle the truth."
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