Facebook: "The US government is the laughing _stalk_ of other countries." [NT]

ADSGarson O'Toole adsgarsonotoole at GMAIL.COM
Thu Jun 5 04:37:20 UTC 2014

Wilson wrote:
Subject:      Facebook: "The US government is
    the laughing _stalk_ of other countries." [NT]

Ben Zimmer has created an entry in the eggcorn database

[Begin excerpt]
stock » stalk
Chiefly in:   laughing stalk , livestalk
Classification: English – cot/caught merger
Spotted in the wild:

“It’s a bigger challenge for the entire community of quality
management consultants to make sure that the ISO convention does not
become a laughing stalk,” he said. (USJ-Subang Jaya, Malaysia, Mar.
19, 2001)
[End excerpt]

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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