flash bash - "violent take on the 'flash mob'"

ADSGarson O'Toole adsgarsonotoole at GMAIL.COM
Mon Jun 9 02:03:17 UTC 2014

Website: The Irish Independent (Independent.ie)
Title: 'Flash bash' gangs of teenage thugs threaten peace of seaside resorts
Author: Jim Cusack
Date Timestamp: June 08 2014   02:30

Short link:  http://bit.ly/1psRpSy


[Begin excerpt]
TEENAGE gangs are threatening to turn our seaside resorts into battle
scenes by openly orchestrating 'flash bash' beach battles on social

Gardai are bracing themselves for a repeat of last weekend's near riot
in Howth, Co Dublin, when drunken teens went on the rampage as
families with young children were forced to run for cover.

The Sunday Independent has learned that the so-called 'flash bash' – a
violent take on the 'flash mob' dance phenonemon on social media –
confrontations are being organised by gangs of teenagers from rival
[End excerpt]

Urban Dictionary has an unrelated sense for "flash bash":


[Begin excerpt]
flash bash
having a flash back of a sexual experience an having a crafty wank over it

I was thinking about how I ragged that girl to the core and I had a flash bash
by jon biscuit October 08, 2008
[End excerpt]


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