[Ads-l] "near-radio silence"

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Mon Nov 30 01:10:24 UTC 2015

> On Nov 29, 2015, at 6:23 PM, Joel Berson <berson at att.net> wrote:
> "After two days of near-radio silence over the deadly shootings at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado, several Republican presidential candidates addressed the attack Sunday."  [Yahoo News, by Dylan Stableford.]
> Unsurprisingly, they must instead have been providing feeds to their far-radio, extra-terrestrial constitutencies.
> Carla Fiorini seems to have called in from outer space -- part of her statement was "But it’s a tragedy, especially on a holiday weekend.“
Yes, I'm sure the victims would have preferred death on an ordinary workday.  Carly Fiorina (I believe we're talking about the same person!) continued her far-radio (or in this case TV) non-silence by observing that any attempt to link the act of someone who attacks Planned Parenthood clinic with a gun while shouting about "selling baby parts" to anti-abortion rhetoric (such as that of a presidential candidate who regularly attacks Planned Parenthood for "selling baby parts") is engaging in "typical left-wing tactics".  I find that unconvincing, especially on a holiday weekend.



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