[Ads-l] _colyumist_

Andy Bach afbach at GMAIL.COM
Thu Aug 9 18:53:57 UTC 2018

>From a Christopher Morley article 1921 in his column "Plum Pudding" on
McSorley's, the NYC bar (a wonderful place):

This afternoon we have been thinking how pleasant it would be to sit at one
of those cool tables up at McSorley's and write our copy there. We have
always been greatly allured by Dick Steele's habit of writing his Tatler at
his favourite tavern. You remember his announcement, dated April 12, 1709:

"All accounts of gallantry, pleasure, and entertainment, [...] and what
else I have to offer on any other subject shall be dated from my own

Sir Dick--would one speak of him as the first colyumist?--continued by
making what is, we suppose, one of the earliest references in literature to
the newspaper man's "expense account."

A discussion of colyumist (which suggests it is not just an alternative
spelling of "columnist"):


Andy Bach,
afbach at gmail.com
608 658-1890 cell
608 261-5738 wk

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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