[Ads-l] gimmick 1910 (antedate?)

Andy Bach afbach at GMAIL.COM
Tue Sep 29 16:26:07 UTC 2020

> with the intention of having some heat in my Nova Zemblan booth."

I had though Nova Zembla was Nabokov's invention but from a page of
commentary on "Pale Fire":

At first, I figured Zembla was simply a renaming of Martin and Sonia's
imaginary Zoorland in Nabokov's Glory. When I came across a reference
to "Nova Zembla" in Sterne's The Life and Opinions of Tristam Shandy
(first pub. c.1761, vol. III, chp. 20) I was onto something, because
Boyd failed to include Zembla in his "Notes" for the Library of
America's edition of Vladimir Nabokov: novels 1955-1962. Turns out,
Dutch seamen called the pair of islands (90650 sq. kilometres) in
Barents Sea north of the Ural Mountains "Nova Zembla," which the
Russians called Novaya Zemlya. There is also a small, uninhabited
island called Nova Zembla off the northeastern coast of Baffin Island,
Canada. Nabokov dropped the "Nova" and adjusted the geography in the
novel to be an autonomous peninsular kingdom.

On Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 10:20 AM Stephen Goranson <goranson at duke.edu> wrote:
> "In a hotel at Muscatine, Iowa, the other day I twisted the gimmick attached to the radiator, with the intention of having some heat in my Nova Zemblan booth."
> Jan. 8, 1910 v.1 no. 2 p. 37 [GB]
> <https://books.google.com/books?id=PcEfAQAAMAAJ&pg=RA2-PA37&dq=%22the+gimmick%22&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjR_4TF0Y7sAhWStVkKHXg2ApYQ6AEwA3oECAEQAg>
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> Domestic Engineering and the Journal of Mechanical Contracting<https://www.google.com/books/edition/Domestic_Engineering_and_the_Journal_of/PcEfAQAAMAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=%22Nova+Zemblan+booth%22&pg=RA2-PA37&printsec=frontcover>
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Andy Bach,
afbach at gmail.com
608 658-1890 cell
608 261-5738 wk

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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