[Ads-l] American dream (et sim)

Stephen Goranson goranson at DUKE.EDU
Mon Aug 22 00:59:06 UTC 2022

correction, read: NOT a good idea.
That, in Arthur Young's British view, it would be better to have America as an independent trading partner.
From: American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU> on behalf of Stephen Goranson <goranson at DUKE.EDU>
Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2022 12:39 PM
Subject: American dream (et sim)

This has been discussed here before, and in NYT today, as well as America's Dream.
On the latter see the book title from 1854 [1].

"American dream" appeared in a 1790 publication [2]

But in this instance, this was a British dream that having an American colony was a good idea.

While the American dream; laſted, we were told that the growing population of that continent would create ſuch a ſyſtem of employment for our manufacturers and failors, that the proſperity of the mother country would be as boundleſs as the waſtes of her Tranſatlantic dominions ; viſions that faſcinated and deceived our miniſters, our parlia- ments, and the nation itſelf. ...


[1] https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=loc.ark:*13960*t9p27g755&view=1up&seq=2&skin=2021&q1=dream__;Ly8!!OToaGQ!okbGvcGrvhU7eeFy2zO3hpm_JbK-6va1oHnxmGzMRq89kTJOVutwDk5KJRMYietBasLJ61DrJmgcOQPw1uE$

[2] https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.a0005788617&view=1up&seq=49&skin=2021&q1=dream__;!!OToaGQ!okbGvcGrvhU7eeFy2zO3hpm_JbK-6va1oHnxmGzMRq89kTJOVutwDk5KJRMYietBasLJ61DrJmgcn8t4q1Q$

The American Dialect Society - https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.americandialect.org__;!!OToaGQ!okbGvcGrvhU7eeFy2zO3hpm_JbK-6va1oHnxmGzMRq89kTJOVutwDk5KJRMYietBasLJ61DrJmgccKVidDE$

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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