[Ads-l] Personal pronouns modified with relative clauses

Barretts Mail mail.barretts at GMAIL.COM
Mon Jun 5 23:31:19 UTC 2023

Thank you for that example. I also thought of a couple of examples as I was writing my email. For some reason “me, who did nothing wrong” sounds ungrammatical to me, maybe because it’s restrictive. Not sure. BB

> On Jun 5, 2023, at 15:30, Chris Waigl <chris at LASCRIBE.NET> wrote:
> I don't know. May he who is without sin throw the first stone.
> Chris
> (jokingly)
> On Mon, Jun 5, 2023 at 2:09 PM Barretts Mail <mail.barretts at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> My recollection is that one of the reasons some people doubt that Japanese
>> “pronouns” are actually pronouns is that they can take relative clauses,
>> and that in languages like English, they cannot. To invent an example in
>> both languages:
>> スーパにいた僕を見た。(suupa-ni ita boku-wo mita)
>> * (somebody) saw me who was in the grocery store.
>> Today I saw an article in which former President Donald Trump violates
>> this rule. Here is that article and another quote. Is this idiolect or
>> dialect?
>> https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-asks-can-doj-charge-lawyers-meet-feds-rcna87770
>> Dareh Gregorian
>> 5 Jun 2023
>> ###
>> "How can DOJ possibly charge me, who did nothing wrong, when no other
>> president's were charged," Trump wrote on Truth Social in an all-caps post.
>> ###
>> https://www.cnn.com/2018/09/26/politics/donald-trump-press-conference-analysis/index.html
>> Chris Cillizza
>> 26 Sep 2018
>> ###
>> “I’ve been accused … by four or five women, who got paid a lot of money to
>> make up stories about me who made a lot of money,” Trump said.
>> ###
>> Benjamin Barrett (he/his/him)
>> Formerly of Seattle, WA
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org
> -- 
> Chris Waigl . chris.waigl at gmail.com . chris at lascribe.net
> http://eggcorns.lascribe.net . http://chryss.eu
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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