[Ads-l] Paraffin

victor steinbok aardvark66 at GMAIL.COM
Thu Jun 15 18:44:15 UTC 2023

Interesting, that every source I checked lists 1835 as first use of
"paraffin", including OED and and MW. A quick scroll through Google Books
(something I haven't done in a long time because of evolving search
formats) points to a number of sources that are clearly misidentified - an
1830 citation is actually 1957; one dated 1800 is actually 1899 (a common
GB scanning error).

But there can be no doubt to accuracy of the 1832 find: Philosophical
Magazine, Volume 1, No. 5 (November), p. 402.

On Paraffin and Eupion

Dr. Reichenbach has discovered two substances by the dry distillation of
organic bodies, to which he has given the above names. The first from
_parum affinis_, on account of its remarkable indifference or want of
affinity; and the second from [pion] or [pion], fat, and [eu]. These
substances appear to be both contained in the tar of animal and vegetable
substances. Beech-wood tar gives the most paraphin, and with the greatest
facility; while the oil of Dippel gives most eupion.


The source should be easy to verify on paper. I'll keep looking but this is
not likely to be improved.


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