[Ads-l] baseball lingo: to shove (intr)

ADSGarson O'Toole adsgarsonotoole at GMAIL.COM
Mon Jun 19 22:45:09 UTC 2023

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lizbert @fliz
Great game tonight!! RT @THE_ADAM_JONES: Bergy SHOVED tonight
10:36 PM · Aug 11, 2010
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Might be reference to pitcher Brad Bergesen (Bergy)

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Scott Joiner @S_Joiner
RT @writerinblack High school baseball coach tonight, "Can y'all say
'ass' in the paper? 'Cause their pitcher shoved it up our ass tonight"
11:12 PM · Mar 22, 2011
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Baseball wheat @baseballwheat
Big win tonight to advance to All A State. Our starting pitcher was 2
outs away from a perfect game! He shoved tonight.
11:57 PM · Apr 29, 2011
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Ryan Emery @ryan_emery23
damn....UNC's pitcher absolutely shoved today against the
Longhorns.... #Ihatekevinstallings
5:02 PM · Jun 20, 2011
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On Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 5:41 PM Cohen, Gerald Leonard <gcohen at mst.edu> wrote:
> A check of the Internet (baseball lingo, shove) turns up:
> "Shoving" refers to putting all your chips on the line. If a pitcher shoves, they are putting everything they have into that appearance. Basically going right at the opponent and either winning outright or....
> So the meaning for the baseball context is that the
> pitcher gave it his all.
> Jerry Cohen

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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