[Ads-l] Quote: The kiss is a wordless articulation of desires (Anomalous match in Time magazine database)

ADSGarson O'Toole adsgarsonotoole at GMAIL.COM
Sat Sep 16 19:31:39 UTC 2023

Mardy Grothe asked about the quotation in the subject line, and I
composed an article on the topic:

Full: https://quoteinvestigator.medium.com/1bd2c6faef8c
Abbrev: https://quoteinvestigator.com/2023/09/16/kiss-wordless/

The first match was dated January 19, 1986 in an Australian newspaper.
The author was Lance Morrow who was a prominent essayist with Time
magazine. The essay containing the quotation also appeared in the 1988
collection “Fishing in the Tiber” by Lance Morrow. The description of
this book stated that the essays in the collection appeared in Time
magazine during the previous decade.

The Time magazine archive is available now at content.time.com. For
many years there was a paywall, but the paywall has been removed, it

The match for the quotation is dated June 21, 2005 in the Time
magazine database. I do not know whether the essay containing the
quotation was reprinted or the date specified by the database is
inaccurate. There are no matches in the database for the quotation in
the 1980s.



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