[Ads-l] -forward

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Tue Jan 2 00:59:35 UTC 2024

It might, except that the 1/3 Campari changes its category--to
"Campari-forward", of course!  Or you could proceed analytically, beginning
with straight Campari as an aperitif and following up with your main drink,
a dry martini.  That would count as a Campari-foreword sequence.


On Mon, Jan 1, 2024 at 5:17 PM James Landau <
00000c13e57d49b8-dmarc-request at listserv.uga.edu> wrote:

> On Saturday, December 30, 2023 9:26 PM Laurence Horn <
> laurence.horn at YALE.EDU> wrote
> >I don't think it has to be "main ingredient", more like
> >"defining/establishing ingredient". If you google "gin-forward drinks",
> >Negroni pops up and we all know that's exactly 1/3 gin.  But then again I
> >also found a web site in which a negroni (with the same 1/3 gin, 1/3
> >Campari, 1/3 vermouth ratio) is described as a Campari-forward drink, so I
> >think it's partly pragmatic, based on what one might have been expecting
> or
> >comparing it with.
> We all know that a "dry martini" is gin (or vodka) with a vanishing amount
> of vermouth.  I think therefore that the Negroni with 1/3 gin and 1/3
> vermouth must be that long-sought but never-publicized dring, a "wet
> martini".
> James Landau
> jjjrlandau at netscape.com
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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