[Ads-l] rickey

Bill Mullins amcombill at HOTMAIL.COM
Thu Jan 18 23:41:01 UTC 2024

rickey – alcoholic drink
OED has [30 Jun 1889] (for "Joe Rickey") and 8 Dec 1893 (spelled "Ricci")

1893 Buffalo Courier 8 Aug 3/5
He was also a Southerner, and he explained that the popular drink in the South is a Joe Rickey, which is made of lime juice, whisky, cracked ice and seltzer, while a gin rickey is the same excepting gin is substituted for whisky.


1893 Trenton Evening Times 22 Oct 2/2 [geneaologybank.com]

The Ricci is served in a long glass, and is made of lime juice, whiskey and seltzer.

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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