[Ads-l] Request access to 1934 Easton Press edition of Erewhon with introduction by Aldous Huxley

ADSGarson O'Toole adsgarsonotoole at GMAIL.COM
Fri Jul 5 19:45:48 UTC 2024

The Quote Investigator website contains a new article about a
quotation attributed to Aldous Huxley. Apparently, the quotation
appeared in a special introduction by Huxley to the 1934 Easton Press
collector's edition of Samuel Butler’s nineteenth century novel


Any suggestion of how I might be able to obtain scans of this 1934
edition? I was able to find a reprint of the quotation in a syndicated
1938 newspaper column, but I have not seen scans of the 1934 edition,

Some reference works claim that the quotation appeared in Aldous
Huxley's 1921 novel "Crome Yellow", but it is not there.


The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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