[ADS-M] Members and colleagues can participate in Humanities Advocacy Day

Grant Barrett grantbarrett at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 21:04:33 UTC 2016

From: Stephen Kidd [mailto:skidd at nhalliance.org]
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2016 8:31 AM
To: American Dialect Society <americandialect at mac.edu>
Subject: Your members and colleagues can participate in Humanities
Advocacy Day from their desks!

[National Humanities

Dear NHA Member Representative,

Your members and colleagues can participate in Humanities Advocacy Day
from their desks with the click of a mouse!

As advocates visit Congressional offices on Capitol Hill on Humanities
Advocacy Day (Tuesday, March 15), NHA will issue an action alert
calling on advocates around the country to contact their elected
officials to urge them to support humanities funding in the upcoming
appropriations process.

It is critical that Senators and Representatives hear from as many
constituents as possible.

Please help by circulating the alert to your members and colleagues if
this is an appropriate activity for your organization.

At this time in last year’s appropriations process, the House Budget
Committee called for the complete elimination of funding for the
National Endowment for the Humanities in its budget resolution. By
sending messages to elected officials, advocates helped to defeat this
proposal, preserve critical funding for the humanities, and secure the
first increase for NEH since 2010. This year, we need to generate as
much support for NEH funding as possible in order to fight off new
efforts to cut funding.

We have included the text for the alert that we will send out on
Tuesday. Please feel free to use this as is or modify it to send to
your members and colleagues. It contains a link to the online alert
that will enable your advocates to act. We have also included the text
of the sample message to elected officials that we will provide to


Please circulate the alert to your members and colleagues on Tuesday, March 15.

Best regards,

Stephen Kidd, Ph.D.

Executive Director

National Humanities Alliance

skidd at nhalliance.org

(202) 296-4994 x149

Email to advocates:

Today is Humanities Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill! Humanities advocates
from around the country will be meeting with their Members of Congress
to make the case for humanities funding.

For those of you who could not join us in Washington, there are still
ways to show your support for humanities funding by email and Twitter.

Click here to send messages to your Members of
asking them to support the National Endowment for the Humanities and
the Department of Education’s international education programs.

In recent years, the House Budget Committee has sought to eliminate
funding for the National Endowment for the Humanities. Messages from
advocates like you have helped to not only defeat these proposals but
also secure a modest increase for NEH. Now, your voice can help secure
additional funding that will restore NEH’s capacity after years of
cuts and level funding.

Thanks to your advocacy, we also fought off major cuts to the
Department of Education’s international education programs (Title VI
and Fulbright-Hays) last year. It is time to show our support again!
This is especially important given that President Obama proposed a
69.3% cut to the Fulbright-Hays program.

Click here to send messages to your Members of
asking them to support the National Endowment for the Humanities and
Title VI and Fulbright-Hays.

For a more comprehensive overview of these programs and their funding
status, click here<http://www.nhalliance.org/nhablog?e=130c7f91f5b407d09eb9135e80c7e898&utm_source=nhalliance&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=dcl16_mr&n=4>.

Finally, catch up on the activities of Humanities Advocacy Day on
Twitter by following #Humanitiesadvocacy16!

Sample message for advocates

Click here<http://www.nhalliance.org/r?u=http%3A%2F%2Fd3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net%2Fnhalliance%2Fmailings%2F81%2Fattachments%2Foriginal%2FSample_Letters-2016_Dear_Colleagues_3_13_16.pdf%3F1457874635&e=130c7f91f5b407d09eb9135e80c7e898&utm_source=nhalliance&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=dcl16_mr&n=5>
for the text of the sample messages for advocates that are preloaded
into the action alert system.
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