[ADS-M] Message from the American Dialect Society

Grant Barrett grantbarrett at gmail.com
Mon Mar 9 23:15:40 UTC 2020

[This message is sent on behalf of Julie Robert of the American Dialect
Society. Please respond to her at julie.roberts.uvm at gmail.com]

Dear ADS Members,

At the last ADS meeting, the following amendments to the ADS constitution
were passed by the Executive Council. Per the constitution, they must now
be ratified by the membership. Please respond with either yes or no. If you
would like to respond to one or more of them separately, by all means do
so, and I will keep a record of your vote(s). Please respond by March 20,

Thank you so much for your support of ADS!

Best wishes,

Julie Roberts


Proposed constitutional amendments

                                    i. Change title (but no change in
duties/authority) from Executive Secretary to Executive Director of ADS

                                    ii. Lengthen term of the Executive
Director from 2 to 5 years

iii. Add process for removing the Executive Director

                                    iv. Add Treasurer (and description) to
the list of officers

                                    v. Add all editors (AS, PADS, LAP) to
the Executive Council as ex-officio, non-voting members)

                                    vi. In III. Membership: Change
*Newsletter* to ADS communications.

vii. Add electronic mail to the process for amending the constitution

Specific wording for those who are interested:

Treasurer Description

The Treasurer shall 1. oversee the Society’s reserve funds and its annual
operating budget in collaboration with the Executive Director to ensure the
Society’s ability to meet its ongoing financial obligations, 2. approve the
funds of the Society for any unbudgeted expenditures between $2500 and
$5000, or as may be ordered by the Board of Directors (approval of full
board required for unbudgeted expenditures over $5,000), 3. provide input
on the ADS annual budget, and 4. prepare a Treasurer's Report and an annual
investments performance report for each Executive Council meeting and the
annual Members’ Business Meeting. The Executive Council shall approve the
reports with such modifications as it deems appropriate.

Process for Removing Executive Director

The Executive Director may be removed by a majority vote of the Executive
Council in session at any annual meeting.
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