[Algonquiana] student/recent Ph.D. workshop attendance available

Whalen, Douglas douglas.whalen at yale.edu
Wed Dec 1 16:51:54 UTC 2021

  Dear all,
  Below is an announcement that may be of interest.
  Best, Doug Whalen DhW

Student/recent Ph.D. support available for workshop

Students and recent Ph.D. recipients are invited to apply for a funded opportunity to attend a National Science Foundation (NSF) workshop entitled Language Learning in Native American Revitalization Programs (LLiNARP).  The workshop will take place at the Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA) in Santa Fe, NM, on April 1-2, 2022.  Leaders in language revitalization will discuss research studies addressing the health benefits of language maintenance and revitalization as well as implications for theoretical linguistics.

The NSF award notice and brief description can be found here:


Students in Native American studies, linguistics, anthropology, health, and other fields associated with language revitalization are invited to apply for one of 10 positions available.  Those who were recently (in the past two/three years) awarded a Ph.D. are also eligible.

To apply, send an email describing your interest in the topics of language revitalization, linguistic theory, language acquisition, and/or connections to health.  Because many of language revitalization programs are found in Native American communities, there will be a focus on those programs.  In the email, include a description of your student/recent Ph.D. status.

Send applications to NSFWorkshop2022 at endangeredlanguagefund.org<mailto:NSFWorkshop2022 at endangeredlanguagefund.org> by January 15, 2022. Questions can be addressed to the above email as well.

We hope to see your application.

Peggy Mainor, MICA Group, PI
Porter Swentzell, IAIA, Co-PI
Doug Whalen, Endangered Language Fund

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