idiom examples
Chaumont Devin
devil at
Mon Mar 1 05:41:16 UTC 1999
Paul Kroeger <pkroeger at>:
> The version I learned was:
> "Guru makan berjalan, murid kencing berlari."
> Lit: "Teacher eats while walking, student pisses while running."
No, no, no, NO! All of you are wrong. The original is:
Bapa kincing badiri, ana kincing lari-lari.
If the father pisses standing up, then the son will piss on the run.
Every good Moluccan knows that it is impolite to piss standing up. I only
wish American men were half so bright. Every time Charly comes to my
apartment, he throws up the lid and spatters the whole bowl and adjoining
area. Of course I never tell him this, but after he leaves I have to get
down on my hands and knees with a washrag and clean the place up before I
will sit down on the damned thing again.
American men think they have to stand up and do it from high elevations,
like horses. Piss on them--unsanitary asses. We need a revolution.
Can't say I ever liked the smell of Moluccan beaches though. The only
good thing I can say about it is that the smell used to help me find the
canoe landing at WaeNono from the sea after dark.
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